Wednesday 15 December 2010


I shouldn't be selfish

'I used to be alone standing here with nobody, you came to me and take my hand. You kiss hug me and you wont let me go. Cause we belong each other, together forever yours and you would be my favorite love. Not any sad or happy ending, whyyy? Because no more word end.'

These are song lyric that you have made to me. Thank you for made this song del, thank you so much sweetheart. Now, we are just friend, nothing special and I feel like I'm so far away from your life del. Its so hard for me to accept this reality del soooo hard. I don’t know how to let you go. I don’t know how to move on. I still loving you.

Del, I miss you every single night. I want to sleep with you, just sleep. Together. Under my blankets in my bed with my hand on your chest and your arm around me. No talking just sleep and silence. It would be so romantic.

Del, just because my eyes don’t tear, doesn’t mean my heart doesn’t cry and just because I come off strong, doesn’t mean there’s nothing wrong. You have to know it del. I'll stop to think about you, because I'm so tired of tears.

Del you said you gotta go to find yourself and to find what real love’s about. I hope that you can find it by loving me but you are not . Just know I'm here whenever you need me and I hope you'll find everything that you need. Del, when you find everything that you need……………..come-back-to-me.

I DO NOT want to disappoint you! I shouldn't be selfish. It is the reason why I let him go. I love him and I shouldn't be weak, shouldn't increase the burden of his mind. I give you time to yourself del.



Friday 19 November 2010


How much I love you and really I'm so glad to be yours :) Thank you so much for all the love that you give, your kisses, your warm hug, it's really makes my day so colorful. Almost forgot, very big thanks for this: the beautiful ring and song that you made for me.. FADEL I'M SO IN LOVE WITH YOU!!!!!!!! Don't ever forget about our agreement!
I love you for sure.
I miss you everytime.
I need you, always.
I want you, absolutely.
The sentences above are not enough to express about how much I love you, del. Because I love you more than anything.
I'll never forget the tragedy that occurred on 29 October 2010.
Fadel Raihan's

With kisses,
Defadel Sagita Putri

Saturday 13 November 2010

Friday 29 October 2010

F For all the love I give
A A little kiss for you
D Do I need you for sure
E Even want to be someone who's always there for your life
L Lots of love

29 oktober 2010
Your love, Defara :)

Saturday 18 September 2010

Monday 6 September 2010

Every piece of me that wants you, another piece backs away.
Spending all my time just thinking about you. It was draining the contents of my head.
You make me love you, yes you do

Saturday 4 September 2010

"you're not afraid to love. you're just afraid of not being loved back". Is it right? hmm I think so. So now, please open my heart, my mind, and my soul, then you will find your name inside of it and a word ''I LOVE YOU". Why don't you ever realized? You always think that all my love is not for you. Maybe you think like that because I never show my love to you. Hey I'm a girl and for me showing love isn't easy to do. I'm sorry if my way was wrong but this is me.
Okay I'll be honest. I'm in love with you, I love your self and I love the way you comfort me. Hey boy, if I knew your wishes, I could give you everything you want. If I knew what makes you happy, I could make you the happiest person in the world. And if I dreamed the same dreams you do, together we could make them come true. But mostly, if I were a cell in your blood, I would certainly be somewhere in your heart..
In every night I get crazy because thinking how I could be with you. Don't know why but I really fell in love with you. Maybe I'm in love with you because you always be your self and I love the person like that :)
Iloveyoutecey X_X

Saturday 28 August 2010

Isn't it so ironic?


Friday 27 August 2010

Do I get jealous when you say her name to me? Yes.
Do I have feelings? Yes.
Do I care about you? Yes.
Do I miss you? Yes.
Do I want you? Yes.
Do I fight with my self to be able to have you? Yes.
Do I regret? Yes.
Do I get hurt? Yes.
Do I get angry? Yes.
Do I cry randomly? Yes.
Do I feel lonely at times? Yes.
Do I love you? ..............
The answer for that question is DEFINITELY YES!
I'm in love with my T~ Actually T isn't his real name, it just a nickname from me to him.

Saturday 31 July 2010

Saturday 24 July 2010

:) :(

*Lanjutan dari postingan yg 'Get pain but I'm okay;)'* Hahaha ini kejadian untuk ke2 kalinya dan kali ini gue ngerasa heran dan kerasa sakit karna kejadian ini terjadi berturut-turut hmm ya berhubungan dgn masalah php dan lebih herannya gue di gituin dgn 2 cowok yg mereka itu temenan deket. Gue gak ngerti apa mereka sengaja begitu atau apalah. Tapi gue ngerasa galau2 gini ya sekarang ini karna cowok yg ini nih. Adooooow capek kali begini ya tp makasih ya udah bikin gue (rada) suka sm lo dgn semua cara lo chat sm gue yg menurut gue lo itu cuteeeee bgt kalo lg chat gitu aaaaaa bikin gue senyum2 sendiri bacanya.. Huaffffff !$#%$^%^&*&*
Gue gak akan nyalahin temen gue yg udah ngenalin gue sm lo ya sebenernya dia gak ngenalin gue sm lo jg sih karna gue sm lo kan emg udah kenal, tp temen gue ini ikut berpartisipasi ngebantuin ya meskipun begini hasilnya.
Selamat ya lo udah jalan bareng gitu sm si cewek itu hehehe gue mencoba santai ajalah mau digimanain lagi kan percuma kalo gue galau2 gak akan bikin lo ngerasa gimana gitu kan? Semoga lo jadi deh sm cewek itu mungkin emg dia lebih baik dari gue ya it's okaaaaaaaaay ;)
Cuman satu yg gue bingungin karna kata temen lo tuh lo itu gak pernah php-in cewek dan kenyataannya sekarang lo php-in gue ya berarti ini for the first time lo gituin cewek dan kenapa harus pas bgt di gue kenanya sihhhhhhh astagfirulloh duh apa gue kena karma nih makanya diginiin lo.
Hehehe gue baik-baik aja kok gak akan kenapa2 lo giniin, mungkin lo gak tepat buat gue mungkin emg belum saatnya juga gue punya pcr baru awww huahahahaha hmmm ketawa aja deh gue puas2in lagian gak guna juga kan sedih2 yakan yakan yakaaaaan:)
Lo milih cewek itu kan? yaudah kalo gitu sanaaaaaaaaaaaaa gak usah gitu2 lg ke gueeee karna itu bisa bikin gue jadi meng-galau kalo lo begituuu huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam bete tau gak sih diginiin!! gak suka! Nangis aja yuk..

Thursday 22 July 2010

Get pain but I'm okay ;)

HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY just can't accept this reality cause I'm in l-o-v-e with you but I know that you can't be with me because of her hmm ya tau sih emg dia lebih deket sm lo duluan drpd gue tapitapitapi gaktau juga kenapa tp kali ini kok gue ngerasa gmn gt kalo lo sm cewek itu ya apalah itu istilahnya cemburu atau apapun tp ya emg gitu. Karna gue udah capek sm manusia-manusia Pemberi Harapan Palsu, udah cukup akan manusia seperti itu, jadiiii kyknya gue akan mengambil keputusan untuk mundur sebelum berperang meskipun temen lo bilang lo gak pernah phpin cewek tapi kata hati gue bilang mundur karena kyknya sih gak sanggup terima resiko kalo sampe ada kejadian gue disakitin atau di php-in hufffff that's enough!
Gak mau ngomong panjang lg deh hehe thanks a lot untuk blog karena gue gaktau lg mau curhat dimana, lumayan bikin lega cerita disini hehehe maaf kalo curhatannya gak penting, tapi doi sangat berarti dihati gue aw aw huahahahahaha udah ah byebyeee blog salam metal eh salam sayang denggg muah

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Monday 12 July 2010

Sunday 13 June 2010

'T' for Truly in love


Hell-o! My name's Defara, I'm in love with xxxxxxxxxxxx...
Really hope that he never let me go, I do love you so mucccchhh!! ;(
TTTTTTTTTT-Truly I say it to you

Saturday 5 June 2010

ccccccciluk BAAAAAAA! ;p


AAAARGHHH I love you! Don't you realize babe that I've been here waiting for you for so long. You replaced him in my heart, you makes my days so beautiful. I just wanna be your everyyyyything ;( I do anything to be your everything! AH like Justin Bieber's song lyrics 'do you do what you did what you did with me, does she love you the way I can? That should be me holding your hand. That should be me, this is so sad' ;(((

Wednesday 7 April 2010


'Break up is the best way for us' uhm maybe;( I miss you so fckin damn Adimas ..

Sunday 28 February 2010


Really I love you till the end of my life my 19 :*
19 02 10

Friday 1 January 2010

Follow me!


Sahabat SD

Kangen bangetttt udah hampir 3 taun gak ketemu sama Nadya (yg sebelah kiri) kalo yg sebelah kanan itu namanya Minek sahabat gue wkt sd dan kebetulan se-smp sama
gue jd ya sering ketemu. Saking kangen2an akhirnya ngegila foto aneh2 kyk gini haha ya gakpapa lah sekali ;s

Rambutku lg nurut lohhh